New JBL Speaker System for Kettering Soccer Field
Sep 18, 2024
1 min read

Athletics are a big part of high school life. It is difficult to imagine a track meet or soccer game without the buzz of pump up music or the shouts of an excited announcer echoing throughout the stadium. All of that is made possible by a quality PA system.
Approaching the 2024 school year, Kettering City Schools was in need of replacing their speaker system for their soccer field. Their old system had taken a beating from the elements and had deteriorated over time to a point where it was time for a change.
In this project, our team removed the old system and installed a brand new set of JBL speakers in its place. We paired these speakers with a few new power amps that we landed in brand new equipment racks to keep everything organized and user-friendly.
The school is more than happy with the end result that allows them to call soccer games and track meets with clarity over the roar of the Firebirds crowd.