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Transform Your Audience’s Experience In Less Than 60 Days

Work With The Expert Designers, Technicians, And Installers At Ambient Productions To Leave Your Audience In Awe & Wonder

Our Process

At Ambient Productions, we believe the most important element in the design and build process is that our clients trust that we always have their best interest in mind. To build that trust, we adhere to four pillars in every engagement.

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On-Site Discovery

All of our engagements start with an onsite consultation. This not only allows us to get the exact measurements we need to create the perfect design proposal for your space but also provides an understanding of the budgetary, logistical, and time constraints of your project. Ensuring that we don’t waste time proposing designs that won’t be feasible within your constraints.



Unlike our competitors, who often treat your proposal like a kid in a candy store, filling your cart with a wishlist of items without consideration of the finer details of your space. Our pre-engineering team produces in-depth reports studying the acoustic properties of the space, how best to utilize the existing infrastructure, and what additional construction will need to be done to house your new system effectively.

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Our Proposal

With our pre-engineering process complete, we’ll provide you a detailed report complete with the findings of our studies, 3D renderings of your design, and a breakdown of all the material and labor costs associated with your project. Providing you with the most in-depth proposal possible to aid in your decision-making.


Getting Started

After you accept our proposal, the real work begins. We’ll immediately begin ordering all required equipment and materials while we finalize the project plan and installation schedule. Our project plan is a crucial component in our installation process. Not only does it provide you with transparency into our process and the status of your project, but it also provides our team with a consolidated blueprint of the entire project, as well as troubleshooting documentation and detailed solutions to every possible challenge we might face during your installation.

That said, we understand that our work together does not exist in a vacuum. Other outside priorities will need to take precedence from time to time. You can be assured that we will always maintain a high level of flexibility in our planning process to adapt and accommodate competing construction activities, public use of the space, and other instances where our process would otherwise interfere with your team's priorities.

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On-Site Work Begins

Our first task after arriving on site is to uninstall any and all old equipment and ensure the correct infrastructure is in place before wiring and rigging the new equipment. Before we ever ship any electronic components to your location, you can be assured that we have already taken the time to test and pre-program the devices ensuring they are ready for installation the moment they arrive. Once this process is complete, we are ready to connect all the components together and begin the final onsite programming to ensure the system is perfectly adapted to your space and is as user-friendly as possible for your team to operate.


Installation Complete

After our team completes the installation, we’ll take our time to test every connection, component, and program to ensure that by the time your team walks into training all of the bugs, ghosts, glitches, and hangups have been caught and addressed ensuring that your teams first experience on the new equipment is as seamless as possible. We’ll also take the time to meet with your leaders for a final walk through to ensure any legacy components your team would like integrated after our installation are added back into the system before that initial training.

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Training On Your New System

The key to operating your new system effectively, is learning how to use it in a live and dynamic environment. That’s why we try when possible to schedule your training sessions to coincide with rehearsals, meetings, or other private gatherings where we can give your team a live and dynamic backdrop to learn to operate your new AVL system. These training sessions can be recorded allowing your team to revisit our training any time they need a refresher or when bringing on a new team member. Our support doesn’t end when we walk out the door. With Ambient Productions, we’re happy to offer lifetime technical support and remote training opportunities for every client no matter the size of the installation or the age of their system. With Ambient Productions, you’ve gained a partner for life.

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The Work

See our expertise in action! Below you’ll find a collection of our favorite projects, complete with the challenges our clients were facing and solutions we developed for them.

Get In Touch!

Reach Out to The A/V Pros at Ambient Productions Today…

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Hours of operation:
9:00am - 5:00pm EST Or by Appointment
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